The historical paintings of Van Gogh have left a legacy in the world of art. In a real sense, the world can't have enough of them. Tree roots being one the legends last paintings suggest a picturesque combination of roots and trunks. The piece of art symbolizes the artist's lifetime struggles at that moment.
The paintings, at first sight, seems to depict a clutter of bright colours and whimsical nonconcrete forms. Looking beyond the sight, it indicates a slope with roots and tree trunks. They kind of trees that grow in marl quarries and are used for timber. The quarries can be spotted at Auvers (FR). The artistic design did not come to completion. It vividly explains an unfinished piece of art — tree roots Van Gogh`s last painting. The brother-in-law to Vincent's bother describes the art as letter.
The paintings represent double square canvases he had used in the last landscapes. The thick paint and powerful strokes illustrate the canvas. It becomes apparent after a keen look: plants, leaves, tree roots, and a sandy woodland floor with a touch of brown and yellow color. Van Gogh also indicated other scenes of woods and trees. He always left his pieces of art with a compilation of suspense. Most of the paintings were trees without tops or woodlands with only flowers and undergrowth. Like in the last bits of art, it only indicates roots of trees.
The painting was an inspiration for Van Gogh's awkward moments. The morning before his death, he had painted a forest scene full of life. Louis van Tilborgh analyses the tree roots by explaining "the roots which depart from a menacing nature of wheat field to give a palette with a sea full of greens, blues, and browns. The roots lay plain torn from the earth and dangle perilously." Alternatively, it was a way of saying goodbye. Louis van Tilborgh further elaborates "I have been through life, as the tree roots, I have done my part and battled with life, I have grown, had setbacks, and now my time is over I am falling."
From the great analysis, it is vivid Van Goh was explaining his state of emotion. The painting is well known across the universe. The painting is unique in so many ways. Debatably, it represents the development of modern art and gives the touch of unfinished works of art. The unique piece of art is used by many artists in the industry today. Van Goh left a mark of creativity in the art industry. It was a one of its kind piece of art.