The Farmhouses among Trees is a realism oil on canvas painting and one of the best pieces from Vincent van Gogh. The artwork features two houses on one the left and the other on the other side and a shed.
It looks like there are two homes separated by a hip-length fence dividing one farmhouse from the other alongside the shed. The farmhouses stand amongst tall, thick indigenous trees. On the left of the horses, there is a stream flowing and passing just behind the houses.
There is something about the use of colors here. Vincent mixed dull and plain colors and calm color of blue to illustrate the skies. His choice of colors makes the painting nostalgic in a good way. They are calming, relaxing, and create a peaceful feeling after some time of staring at the picture.
What Motivated Vincent to Paint the Farmhouses among Trees?
Van Gogh's visit to Hoogeveen between September 1883 and December was inspired by his friend Anthon van Rappard and the thought that life was cheaper. During his visit, he was not in contact with other artists that even inspired his drawing. Yet, he created several and one of the best paintings at the time.
The town inhabitant, landscape, and singularity made an incredible impression on Vincent. The landscape in the Hoogeveen in the province of Drenthe is swampy, soggy, and sandy, and yet he still found it indescribably beautiful and peaceful. If the painting that he did during the three months stay don't speak for the peace, he felt while in the town, his 22 letters to his brother and friends tell it all.
One of the paintings he did while there is the Farmhouses among Trees. The piece is particularly exceptional because, unlike many pieces where he drew inspiration from other artists, his stay at Hoogeveen was his inspiration.
Where Is the Farmhouses Among Trees Located?
The original piece of farmhouses among trees painting is in the Museum of John Paul II Collection in Warsaw, Poland.
Other Pieces Vincent Produced in 1883? In 1883, Gogh produced over ten pieces of painting. Some of them include the Bulb Fields, A Wind-Beaten Tree, and Three Figures near a Canal with Windmill, Farm with Stacks of Peat, and more. During his visit to the province of Drenthe, Vincent also produced the Marshy Landscape.
Who Inspired Vincent? Vincent once wrote that the 17th-century Dutch masters, artists like max Liebermann and Barbizon school painters, influenced his work. He also drew his inspiration from his travelling across various countrysides.
Who Did Vincent Inspire? Vincent van Gogh inspired many artists. Some of them include Paul Klee and Henri Matisse. Henri even displays one of Vincent's drawings in his home.