Enjoy our stunning collection of famous Piet Mondrian abstract and landscape paintings in this comprehensive study of his career works.
Mondrian developed into an abstract artist after earlier working mainly in the genre of landscape painting. Simple compositions of primary colours dominate his career, but there are also some lesser known alternatives to enjoy too. This section provides a comprehensive summary of Piet Mondrian's most famous art works. The vibrant colour and busy tiling found in Broadway Boogie Woogie and Victory Boogie Woogie mark perhaps the style most commonly associated with Mondrian, whilst Composition with Red Yellow and Blue is the best known of his more simplistic series.
Mondrian's landscape paintings included a whole tree series, including Gray Tree, as well as multiple windmill works, perfectly capturing the artist's Dutch roots. There were also further landscape works like View from the Dunes with Beach, which marked the early development and experimentation of this artist before he settled on his signature abstract approach. The selection found here provides a summary of his typical style and colour. Reds, blues and yellows dominate many of his abstract work, and these have been labelled as Neoplasticist. The influence of Mondrian has ensured that this strand of modern art became a respected art movement.
The selection of paintings also help to provide a timeline to his artistic development, covering his movement through landscape paintings that became more expressive and then eventually rose in their use of abstraction. Eventually, the original elements were barely recognisable but this was an organic change in his work that occured in small measure from one artwork to the next. What most people think typical of this artist is simply the end point at which he arrived after many years of hard work, technical study and experimentation. Many even find that having initially dismissed the artist, they find other strings to his bow that are actually very much to their liking, and consequently completely revise their opinion of this famous Dutch painter and innovator. He is today regarded as one of the most significant abstract artists, alongside the likes of Pollock, Rothko and Miro, each of whom also went through the same path to enlightenment as Mondrian had done.
In order to best represent the different artistic styles that appeared during his career, we have attempted to separate the artworks below into relevant categories, starting with the movement in which he was most famous, namely the Neoplasticism artworks which he produced from around the 1920s onwards. Even with these simple arrangements of form, line and colour, there are clear changes over time in how he created these compositions and in the content that he used. After those we then address other topics further down the page, such as his series of tree paintings as well as all of the more general scenes of Dutch life from the early 20th century. Perhaps the windmills best represent his love of Dutch culture, but there were also various mills, small towns and villages and also views across farmland which feel almost timeless.