Ambrose, Ghiberti's final panel in the North Doors series, has more of the original gilt remaining than any of his other 27 artworks
Saint Ambrose is pictured in this sculptured scene sitting at his throne in a ceremonial setting. The original gilt upon the bronze still remains in much of the Saint's chair, perhaps because of its location at the foot of the north doors, where as most other panels have sadly lost almost all of their original gold colouring.
This particular saint is known as Confessor and Doctor of the Church and can be found in the teachings of the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion and Lutheranism. Saint Ambrose was to become Bishop of Milan amongst his most prominent positions but was also a highly learned individual who helped developed theology during that time.
Saint Ambrose was captured by several other major artists, from different regions of Europe. His reputation within Christianity was strong enough to go well beyond the boundaries of the papal states of Italy. Saint Ambrose barring Theodosius from Milan Cathedral, for example, came from Flemish painter Anthony van Dyck. There was also a stunning sculpture of him produced by an unnamed artist in the region of Lombardo that can now be found in the Museo del Duomo, Milan.