Unlike mortal humans, art is known to live for centuries while carrying the legacy of the artist even after their death. Art has evolved over the centuries ever since it started back in the stone age. Nowadays, there has been the development of art galas where paintings are not only preserved but also displayed for viewing.
One such example is the Victoria and Albert museum that houses the infamous Boat-Building near Flatford Mill painting. Boat-building near Flatford Mill painting is an oil on canvas painting that was done by John Constable in 1815. John Constable is an English painter that was born in 1776 and appreciated across Europe. Most of his paintings were done during the Romanticism period, an era that encouraged painters to paint natural landscapes. The Boat-building near Flatford Mill painting is one of the keystones that helped him progress as a painter.
The painting portrays all the activities that you expect to see at a boat shop. These include preparing wood for building a new boat; testing a boat by the river and finishing up of a boat at central part of the paint; and lastly a man working on the boat by docks. Also, the workshop is equipped with tools used in boat building. As a result, one can conclude that the workshop was industrious since most of the characters are tending to their duties. The painting also shows the effect the workshop had on its environment. A look to the left side of the painting depicts that some trees were cleared so that the boat construction could go on.
This is also further demonstrated by the presence of an ax on the left side. As a result, we can safely conclude that the artist was keen on painting his environment. Also, worth mention is the sky above the painting that suggests that it’s the rainy season. Lastly, Constable was obsessed with the study of rural areas in England. As a result, most of his paintings are solely based on the sceneries that he saw and studied England. Therefore, it goes without saying that the painting offers England a chance embrace the full measure of the painter’s genius.