The Bullfight dates from 1945 and is now in the permanent collection of the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris, France. The artwork is 114 cm in height and 145 cm in width, but relatively little else is known about it.
Joan Miro creates form here using some very simple lines of paint, possibly even from a pen or other writing equipment. Most of the scene is therefore just from outlines, though the artist did choose to add some of his blocks of colour into important parts of the composition. The bull stands prominently in the centre of the piece, with its eyes and mouth being particularly prominent. Its horns are added separately, and oversized in a manner which perhaps increases its menace. Although Bullfight is the title of this piece, there is not an even balance in the layout between the bull and its opponent, as the creature covers almost the entire area of the painting. To the left hand side we find another small figure, and to the top right are some abstract shapes which might potentially represent another.
The bull is mainly completed in an outline of strong black ink, which does not look particularly bold in itself. It just allows an understanding of form, with Miro then purposely giving certain parts of the beast much greater prominence. The entire work is reduced to a palette of just a few colours, with red, black and small touches of white which provide great contrast. The background is typical of Miro, with a rough wash which gives a worn look, but avoids distracting the viewer from the main content that sits on top. This painting therefore marries the painting and draughtsman skills of Miro together, and the content itself also reminds us of his Spanish background, something which inspired his work right throughout his career.
Pablo Picasso was another related artist who touched on many of the same topics as used by Miro during his career. Picasso produced many animal drawings for example, as well as these Scenes of Bullfighting. There was very much a collaborative feel to art across the 20th century and Europeans would spend time in each other's company, aiming to learn more about each other's ideas and techniques. Even those from different mediums and disciplines could still find this to be beneficial and even aside from their own respective careers, they would tend to have a great passion for art more generally, and share a firm interest in what like minded individuals were up to in their own lives.