Tissot's decision to remain on the fringes of the Impressionist movement and avoid being an official part of their collective limited the level of focus that his career received, leaving us with an unclear opinion on his own personality.
Famous Quotes by James Tissot
For a long time the imagination of the Christian world has been led astray by the fancies of artists.
The more i acquire, the more i desire and the more hopefully i strive, to produce compositions that reveal the hidden meanings of our everyday life.
Describing the likes of Holyday
Quotes about James Tissot by Art Historians and Fellow Artists
Tissot's personality is elusive. There is little to go on, and much of what there is seems quite contradictory. He has been described as both cool and passionate, carefree and neurotic, arch and sincere, sophisticated and superstitious, sociable and reclusive.
James Tissot - Victorian Life / Modern Love by Nancy Rose Marshall and Malcolm Warner