The The Representatives of Foreign Powers Coming to Greet the Republic as a Sign of Peace painting was completed in 1907, and it portrays individuals from different countries and cultures meeting to greet the republic.
Some of the flags shown include the flag of the USA, the UK, and Germany. In the background of the painting, there seems to be a celebration with people dancing around a statue.
The painting was done in the Naïve Art style, which is simply a form of self-taught art. Henri Rousseau, the artist responsible for this painting, was among the first and most popular self-taught artists. His contemporaries mocked him because they thought his paintings had a high degree of simplicity, but he would rise to prominence when Picasso promoted his work. As a piece of Naïve art, this painting does not feature fine art conventions such as the use of graphical perspective or compositional conventions. It simply uses a flat rendering style and doesn’t have high levels of expressions of perspective.
As a self-taught artist, Henri claimed that he was only inspired by nature. However, he mentions that he received some advice from Jean-Leon Gerome and Felix Auguste Clement, both of who were established painters. He is likely to have been inspired by botanical gardens in Paris, as well as illustrations in children’s books. These are some of the reasons why many of his paintings depicted nature and the jungle, even though France doesn’t have any jungles. Also, it is worth noting that Henri never set foot outside the country. While he served in the army, he took in lots of stories about the jungles of Mexico, but he would never be deployed outside France.
To complete the painting, he used the oil on canvas medium. This technique of painting comes with many benefits, including the fact that it takes a long time to dry. As such, the painter has a lot of time to make changes in the painting. It is also worth noting that art made using this technique usually lasts for a very long time. The oil on canvas painting technique has been used in Asia since the 7th century, and it was exported to Europe around the 12th century. From there, it became the dominant technique of art in Europe. The main colour used in the ‘The Representatives of Foreign Powers Coming to Greet the Republic as a Sign of Peace’ painting is blue, and its shape is landscape. At the moment, it is housed in the Musee Picasso in Paris, France.