Skiffs Gustave Caillebotte Buy Art Prints Now
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Tom Gurney BSc (Hons) is an art history expert with over 20 years experience
Published on June 19, 2020 / Updated on October 14, 2023
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Skiffs provides a stunning depiction of leisure time in 19th century France, put together by artist Caillebotte who himself was a keen boater in his spare time.

The setting and colour palette immediately reminds us of the Impressionist movement, of which Caillebotte was a member. Life along the river was a theme found in the careers of most members of this groundbreaking group of highly creative and predominantly French artists.

Caillebotte himself finished this artwork in 1877 and this was a particularly successful period in his career. The artist was fortunate enough to own a family estate in Yerres and he used this as a base for a whole series of paintings which also included swimmers and fishermen.

The techniques and colours used here point directly to influences from Monet and Renoir and this painting would later be included in a significant impressionist exhibition. Caillebotte made use of realism within his own career and this helped to separate his work from that of the others. In recent years his career has enjoyed a greater exposure and respect than perhaps it received during his own lifetime.