The Bust of Cardinal Giovanni Dolfin was a scuptural portrait done by an Italian artist called Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Gian worked on the tomb with his father; Pietro.
While Gian Lorenzo Bernini worked on the sculpture, Pietro worked on the surrounding figures. The work on the Bust was completed in late 1621. The bust was made during Baroque cultural movement in which Bernini dorminated. The bust was made at the time of his death, Giovanni Dolfin was a Bishop even though most of his life, he led a political life. The bust is part of a mausoleum that can be found at the church of San Michele in Isola.
The bust was made using Baroque artistic techniques where figures had more importance where humans forms of sculptures took centre stage. Being the dominating figure during his time, Gian was commissioned for the Bust of Cardinal Giovanni Delfino. Gian Lorenzo Bernini was a great sculpture and architect who preferred sculpturing over architecture. The Bust of Cardinal Giovanni Dolfin was a sculpture that expressed diversity and vitality. This sculpture was realistically rendering and original.
The Bust of Cardinal Giovanni Dolfin was made during the Baroque period. At the time, cultures were made with earthy realism to resemble human figures. Gian Lorenzo Bernini gave the Bust a realistic treatment, and the style he used went hand in hand with the subject matter. Gian Lorenzo curved the Bust of Cardinal Giovanni Dolfin out of marble. The Bust was part of a mausoleum for the Venetian Cardinal, Giovanni Dolfin. The Bust is a great work of art done by a great architect and sculpture.
The Bust of Cardinal Giovanni dolphin was commissioned by the Delfino family, one of the prominent noble families in Venice. The Delfino family was among the twelve original noble lineages, known as the apostolic families. Giovanni Delfino was born on 15th December 1545, and he died on 25th November 1623. The Bust of Cardinal Giovanni Delfino now sits at the church of San Michele in Isola. The Bust is a great work of art done by a great architect and sculpture.
Pietro da Cortona, Gian Lorenzo's father, worked together with his son to complete Cardinal Giovanni Delfino’s tomb. Pietro was a painter and architect, and he excelled in both fields. His great works are a representation of the supernaturals. Pietro worked on the surrounding figures on the tomb as Gian worked on the sculpture. The surrounding figures include two allegorical figures; faith and hope as well as the coat of arms of Delfino’s family.
The Bust of Cardinal Giovanni Dolfin was commisioned to an Italian artist called Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Gian Lorenzo worked on Delfino’s tomb with Pietro who was his father. The bust was finished in 1621. Delfino a politician and a Democrat for most of his life but later got appointed as bishop of Vicenza.