Winding the Skein Frederic Leighton Buy Art Prints Now
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Tom Gurney BSc (Hons) is an art history expert with over 20 years experience
Published on June 19, 2020 / Updated on October 14, 2023
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Lord Frederic Leighton's Winding on the Skein is one of his most intriguing images. The painting is that of a mother and her daughter, presumably, working on the rooftop of a building. The mother is either trying to teach her child how to make garments using yarn or is soliciting help from the girl.

Pieces of yarn are scattered on the floor, and there is a basket filled with some of the items the two have managed to make. The woman makes herself comfortable on a black stool, but the child is standing. The girl, dressed in a white dress and a red drape wrapped around her waist, holds a small piece of yarn in her hand, while her mother unravels it. The lady, on the other hand, has a white garment on and covers her head with a green scarf. Behind her is a pot, as well as an item that seemingly resembles the skin of a leopard.

The artist does not forget to capture the beautiful scenery on the horizon. He paints a large water body, presumably a sea. He partitions the shore form the deep waters with the help of a reef and a foreshore. The strip of land makes a curve and meets the ridge at the end of the shore. Aside from the scenic view of the sea, Frederic also captures some of the homes built along the beach. Only a few of these are visible, though. The man uses oil and a canvas to make this painting. He manages to create a seamless blend between the human characters and nature.

Since the art was not signed or dated, the picture received its due attention from art lovers when a particular artist known as Henry James mentioned the beauty of the piece, back in 1878. And while this painting received considerable attention from art lovers, it is not the most loved pieces by Lord Leighton. His most famous piece is the Flaming June. Other artworks by this painter include Portrait of May Satoris, Solitude, The Music Lesson, Cymon and Iphigenia, and the bath of psyche, among others. Aside from painting, Frederic was also famous for sculpting thought-evoking sculptors. One such monument is that of an athlete wrestling with a python.

The colossal serpent wraps itself around the human's torso, trying to outwit him, but the man is not one to quit quickly. He is seen to hold the snake's head, ready to fight with all his might. Perhaps what makes this man's pieces interesting is the fact that they are based on bible stories, as well as historical and classical characters. More so, he manages to pull off the aspect of contrast on his paintings and sculptures quite well.