We can understand much more about the man behind the paintings through this selection of Frederic Edwin Church quotes, plus a small assortment of opinions on his life and career from related artists and some notable art historians.
Famous Quotes by Frederic Edwin Church
For several seasons after I selected this spot [Olana] as my home, I thought of hardly anything but planting trees, and had thousands and thousands of them set out on the southern and northern slopes.
Imagine this fairy-like Temple blazing like sunlight among those savage black rocks.
Nature has been very lavish here in the gift of her beauty - I am sure you would enjoy the noble scenes which our windows command.
Quotes about Frederic Edwin Church by Art Historians and Fellow Artists
I have just returned from a visit to the most wonderfully beautiful painting which this city [New York] has ever seen - Church's Heart of the Andes.
Mark Twain
Thomas Cole
Truly, there is an evangel in art as well as books, and Church is among his prophets.
Boston Christian Register, 1862
For several years past, Mr Church has worked at his home on the Hudson, opposite the Catskill Mountains, where he is surrounded by the most pitcturesque of American scenery. He is, however, in the point of departing for Syria, in the far east. Beyroot is to be the objective point of this journey, and where he will for awhile remain.
Evening Post, 1867