Frederic Edwin Church, a keen traveller and painter, used oil on canvas to produce a multitude of landscape works in many different guises. At the age of 26 Coast Scene, amongst may of that year was Church's next piece to be introduced.
Standing at approximately 50cm x 75cm this is a thought provoking example of one of his stunning, landscape works, encompassing the power of the sea alongside contrasting skies. In the foreground, rust coloured, craggy rocks jut through the crashing waves almost taking on a jagged human form looming over the seemingly calm waters in the distance. The two prominent rocks to the left, allow a naturally formed frame work allowing the eye to be guided towards an added picture.
The ruggedness and waves surrounding these assist with the overpowering control of erosion that Church is depicting. White foam and spray cling to these formations hiding their rooted depths below whilst the shade of ocean appears unusually gloomy, taking on a somber noir accentuating the ominous nature of this day portrayed in oil. A dark wave, almost indistinguishable folds through centre right with flecks of surf breaking through.
Church cleverly draws the view to the middle of the Coast Scene. Castle like turrets sprout from the choppy waters, with white water fountains encompassing their battlement. A shimmer of sunlight catches this area majestically allowing a natural focus and adding warmth to this somewhat dark, cold expanse. Several floating vessels are dotted about in varying positions to the right of the painting.
The yacht in the midst shows bellowing, cream sails depicting the strength of the wind transporting it. A small figure can be seen at the stern ensuring direction. In the distance, a similar boat appears static in an illusion of clam waters and on the horizon, standing like shark’s fins, are further vessels who give the appearance of illuminated by a small amount of sun.
Hews of purples, pinks and light blues take up a third of this dramatic painting in its appealing skyline. Clouds appear to dance in the air in a total contrast to the raging seas below. Church's oil painting on canvas Coast Scene is with a private collector. He has produced thousands of other landscape works and similar paintings are Fog off Mount Desert and The Wreck and most of his paintings are inspired by his explorations to various climates. This included the Tropics, North America, South America, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. His depiction of waterfalls, sunsets and mountains made him a central figurehead for Hudson River School.