The vast majority of the works of Franz Marc featured majestic, peaceful creatures in a beautiful natural setting. For example, The Dog Lying in the Snow depicts just that; a dog, sleeping soundly on top of a bed of snow
This oil painting, Wolves Balkan War is a prime example of his animalistic works, however in a changed style to most of his earlier pieces.
Observing this piece, it is clear to see that Franz was turning towards a more aggresive and more abstract style, designed moreso towards showing feelings of anger than of peace and harmony.
This piece was created in 1913, in anticipation of the oncoming war. Marc could clearly sense the oncoming hostilities and this was reflected in his artwork.
Wolves Balkan War depicts a number of wolves approaching from the right, perhaps being greeted by another who is lying down to the left, or perhaps this wolf senses a threat in this trio.
In the centre background, another wolf can be seen to be lying down and appears to be dead, and further back again is a similar wolf, appearing to stare into the distance at something beyond the boundaries of this painting.
The setting of this painting also seems to be in complete disarray. We see a variety of colours that seem to conflict, that don't seem to match up correctly.
The wolves and chaotic backdrop could serve to symbolise the oncoming threat and danger of war. Danger is close, and the whole world around Marc is about to be tossed into a frenzy.
Many will fall victim to the conflicts, such as one wolf in the background has, while many others could just choose to stay away entirely, such as the other background creature.
It's obvious that Franz Marc was concerned about the conflicts preparing to occur in the world, and this was expressed through many of his works, Wolves Balkan War included.