Motherhood Angelina and the Child Diego is among the most famous paintings that Diego Rivera ever created.
The painting which shows the Russian mother Angelina Beloff breastfeeding her firstborn son was developed in 1916. The baby died of Influenza a few months later. Angelina Beloff was known as Diego’s lawful wife, and they were married for 12 years. This is one of the most iconic paintings due to the method through which Diego achieved it. It is very distinct from his other paintings. The piece is not only creative but also artistic in so many ways.
Diego was known to use the technique oil on canvas to come up with many of his artistic pieces. Similar technic was used to deliver Motherhood Angelina and Child Diego. Just by looking at the painting you can see the ingenuity involved. He has used different dimensions to end up with a beautiful and unique painting. The famous cubism style has also been well implemented throughout the painting giving it some perspective. His approach to the painting is incredible, and the strokes are well done. His keenness to details is like no other, and every single bit is carefully done with passion and cleverness.
If at all Diego’s idea was to obscure the image of the mother and still deliver the message, he achieved that perfectly well. This is because the painting clearly shows the mother breastfeeding the baby, but their faces have been creatively obscured. He then uses different colour paints to achieve the background which is not only simple but also keenly developed.
His main focus is on the woman and her baby. He shades light on them by putting pieces together to come up with an exceptional finish. You can see the mother putting one leg on top of the other to support the breastfeeding child which she manages. All these details indicate that Diego did not have a hard time delivering the message. The cubism style has been well utilised. He knows exactly how to put the cubes together without distorting the image. The whole painting makes cubism to appear so easy, and yet it is known to be one of the most challenging painting styles.
The art is located at the Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil in Mexico City.