Martha and Mary Magdalene's painting is considered to be an autograph work today. This painting was acquired by the Detroit Institute of Art in 1973 and that is where it is located up to date.
The painting is about the two sisters from the Bible, Martha and Mary. It shows Mary being influenced by Martha to convert her life from loving pleasure to loving Christ. Martha leans forward with her face shadowed as she argues with Mary who holds a mirror.
Pigments used to come up with this painting are Lead white, azurite and red and yellow ochre as established by scientists at the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Caravaggio's painting is famous because not only did he use extreme lighting while coming up with the drawing, but he was also able to capture emotions passionately. This makes the painting to be able to get appreciated even in modern society.
Any art fanatic would have definitely interacted with the great Caravaggio. Though he lived for only thirty eight years, his achievements and contribution to the art arena are unforgettable.
He is ranked among notable icons such as Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. Artists such as Rembrandt, Bernini, Jusepe and Rubens are believed to have been inspired by Caravaggio.
Like many artists with challenging personalities, Caravaggio had a moody personality and his art life was affected by issues from his personal life.
He had a lot of problems which made him to develop an argumentative personality which he was able to suppress and handle well only whenever he was painting. This made art to be adopted by others as a way of dealing with mental issues later.
His iconic legacy has made his work to be used as a guide to students getting into the art scene.
He influenced many significant Baroque painters. Working for many religious groups which were seeking to improve their interiors, Caravaggio was able to come up with many religious paintings which are remembered till today.
Examples of his work include supper at Emmaus, The calling of St Matthew, Incredulity of St Thomas, Christ on the Mount Olives, Martha and Mary Magdalene.